Sunday, December 15, 2013

Week Many: Versace Versace This Class is Exhausting

This week's theme was enthalpy. Or entropy. I'm not sure. Both? Hmmmmm...
Just kidding. That was a joke. Ha ha.
My week started out doing the lab from last week. I was instrumental to the team effort, not so much with my vast understanding of anything going on but rather with problem-solving skills, such as noting that the blue solutions must contain copper. It was a useful activity in that we had a real-life experience with precipitates instead of just hearing about them. Precipitation reactions take place when two solutions, usually of ionic compounds, react together. Not all of it may dissolve and the reaction of the non-solubles produces solid matter. It looks really cool.

We've also covered a boatload of stuff under the "thermodynamics" category. First of all: energy can be defined as the ability to change or to do werk. I mean work. Enthalpy! is the measure of all the energy in a system. Exothermic reactions have negative enthalpy values while endothermic reactions are positive. Entropy is a different thing. Which gets confusing. It is basically how messy something is (at the molecular level).
The ways we learn things is the same. We do lectures at home and whiteboard problems at school. However, I think that for such a confusing topic as thermodynamics, lectures are not helpful. You cannot ask a lecture a question.
I have no jokes today.