Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 2: Let's Do Some Math (!)

Coming off of last week, when we did this really fun lab about molarity, this week was pretty mellow. The majority of it was spent doing worksheets at home and POGILs during class. I'd say that the main theme of this week was "calculations". We did a billion more stoichiometry worksheets. We also started in on some empirical formulas, which I think are much more tolerable than the straight stoich worksheets.
This week I feel like I really gained a better understanding of how to use the different formulas, though.  The repetition of them what with the worksheets and the in-class work kind of forced me to sit down and really work through and get it locked down.
All the stoichiometry did kind of get my brain back into math-mode, which is new since I don't have a math class this trimester. I wonder how much of chemistry is going to be what I call "straight math"? Only time will tell.
For me, the fun (ha ha) part of the week was starting on the empirical formulas. I really enjoy learning new concepts, especially when we'd been battling stoich for the second week now. Here's a cute graphic I found that I think accurately explains the main idea of empirical formulas:
I really like this image because often times it's easier to get the idea of certain things with non-chemistry analogies (like the egg POGIL we did in week 1). It can be tempting at first to just copy down the work from the lectures or the whiteboards, but this isn't a good idea. Later on, having a solid knowledge of the actual idea comes in handy. 
I can't help but wonder how much I'll have to use this stuff as the course goes on. Part of me hopes that it'll be gone soon but I also think that it's just kind of a basic skill I'll have to get really good at. 
I guess that means the hard stuff is yet to come! What fun! Next week I really hope we have a lab or something because it makes the blog post a lot more interesting. 
For a closing thought, here's a lovely picture of the cherished Chemistry Cat that pretty much sums up my feelings of this week. 

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