Sunday, October 27, 2013

I've Lost Count of How Many Weeks it's Been

I cannot speak very heavily on any subject in particular regarding this week; it was a mixed bag of varied things. I guess I should give a day-by-day account of what we did.
On Monday, we did a lot of test review on molecular shapes, Lewis structures, VSEPR and the like. I think that the stuff that I was most worried about, I ended up understanding better than the stuff I felt like I had down pat. Alas, I must learn to review more effectively.
On Tuesday, we took the test. I was able to finish it all this time! I felt really good about my short response and solid on multiple choice. These turned out to be pretty accurate when reflected in my grade. Overall, I really liked this unit.

(Yes, that's a mole cookie.)
And that pretty much sums up Wednesday.
Oh, and we also wrote essays on polarity that had to do with paintballs. This wasn't very hard in my opinion, but it was really kind of vague. Also, seeing as none of us had written an essay in a science class, it was pretty awkward. But anyways, here is my essay if you have any interest in paintball chemistry.
Thursday, we took a practice AP exam (multiple choice). I actually apparently scored rather well. Obviously there was a lot of stuff I didn't know, but I'm kind of excited to learn the rest of it in the upcoming months.
On Friday, we started learning things again. We did some POGILs on metals and ionic bonds. Basic difference between ionic bonds and covalent bonds: covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between two atoms, whereas ionic bonds are when one of the two atoms sacrifices one of its electrons and gives it to the other. Metals, as they form cations, usually form ionic bonds with anions and if there are two nonmetals, they usually form a covalent bond. 
That's all for this very exciting/bizarre week!
(Also I have another mole day joke.
What did Avogadro yell at the Battle of San Jacinto?
Remember the Alamole!)

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